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Cold Glue

Cold Glue

COLD GLUE technology is a solution that has passed the test of time, offering numerous benefits for application of labels to containers. This adhesion method is particularly appropriate for labelling large runs, and its unique properties making it ideal for the food and beverage industry.

One of the key benefits of this technology is the cost of the labels, which are generally less expensive than other types. This makes cold gluing an economical solution for companies wanting to economise on production costs.

Its speed of application and efficiency positioning labels permit labelling of large numbers of containers in a short time. This is particularly beneficial for companies needing to address high volumes of production with a reliable, rapid system.

Moreover, Cold Glue technology specialises in application of state seals. State seals are particularly important in the food industry, as a guarantee of product integrity and safety. Cold gluing offers strong adhesion for state seals, ensuring that they remain solidly anchored to containers and cannot be tampered with.

In addition to these specific benefits, Cold Glue technology is known for its dependability and durability. Application systems are designed to be resistant and guarantee stable functioning over time. This reduces downtime and the need for costly repairs, permitting a continuous workflow with lower maintenance costs.


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